Helping teams help nature since 2003!

Saving Thailand's Critically Endangered Dugong

If you are looking to arrange a CSR-team building event while visiting Phuket in 2025, we hope you will seriously consider what is an urgent MICE Group Call to Action: help save the Kingdom’s fast-dwindling populations of dugong—also known as sea cows.

After years of population decline, due primarily to habitat issues and human-related interactions (e.g. getting hit by boats), these comically cute denizens of the Andaman Sea are very sadly nearing the edge of extinction. This happened in China, when in 2022 dugong were declared functionally extinct.

So let’s work together to prevent the same tragic situation happening with Phuket’s sea cows—there are less than 50 remaining in local waters and their survival is in our hands and hearts!
Dugong 16 b
Dead Dugong 3
Underwater full photo of an adult dugong (sea cow) in Thailand

Dugong CSR Background Info

The most pressing issue facing Thailand’s dugong is in fact starvation. Due primarily to global warming and consequent rise in ocean temperatures, the dugong’s favorite food, seagrass, is not naturally replenishing fast enough to meet the sizeable appetites of these grazing, gentle giants.

Thai officials on both national and provincial levels recognize this critical situation and are working hard on implementing several measures to protect the rapidly decreasing number of dugong. These efforts include mapping dugong sighting locations, designating protected areas and fishing net-prohibited zones, and planting seagrass beds.

As the seagrass beds can only grow so fast, and at certain times of the year, local officials have also been taking experimental emergency actions, such as placing ‘vegetable bars’ in the dugong’s known feeding areas.

Photo of marine staff standing in water with newly planted sea grass in front of them
Aerial photo of marine staff planting vegetables in the sea for sea cows to eat
Photo of a Phuket Marine Dept. staff member planing alternative food sources (vegetables) for starving dugong (sea cows).

How your MICE Group can Help

DreamTeam Adventures has been working with Phuket’s Department of Marine Conservation and Rehabilitation (DMCR) to conduct many successful, environmentally-related CSR programs over the last 20 years.

In response to the dire situation of the area’s remaining dugong herds, we have designed and launched a new ‘Save the Sea Cows’ CSR program.

Via the effort and assistance of our client groups, this special eco-CSR event aims to make a tangible, worthy impact on the dugong’s well-being and rightful place in nature.

Underwater close-up shot of a Thai dugong (sea cow), with another one in the background.
Blindfold teams playing a game holding a rope in their hands with beautiful tropical beach and sea background

'Saving the Sea Cows' Program Info

Besides proper intro, warm-up, and team game elements to earn their supplies, your group can choose to assist Phuket’s endangered dugong in two meaningful ways according to preference and perhaps schedule:

  • Seagrass Planting (or placing emergency vegetable bars depending on season and seagrass crop availability): Journey to a specially designated coastal location to assist with this crucial endeavor, as well as area clean-up.
  • Seagrass Nursery Assistance: Visit a DMCR seagrass nursery to help with growing new crops and related care tasks.

Also, for those groups or organizations wishing to donate toward the funding of a seagrass nursery, we are happy to facilitate this process with your side and the DMCR.

Program Duration: 3.5-5 hr depending on your hotel location
# of Pax: 20-200

The Many Benefits of Planting Seagrass
Seagrass benefits best

Image courtesy of The Wildlife Conservation Society.

By planting seagrass your group will also be aiding the environment in several other ways: seagrass meadows play a vital role in maintaining clean and clear sea water, protecting coastlines, producing oxygen, supporting diverse marine life, and capturing carbon from the atmosphere.

So this special program can clearly have a profound effect on the survival of the dugong, their fellow sea creatures, and the world we all share.

Please Contact Us for more information about our ‘Save the Sea Cows’ eco-program, then get ready for one of the most impactful CSR events your group will ever experience!

Photo of a Dugong (sea cow) mother and calf swimming together, with very cute "smiles" on their faces